Dark Matter and Dark Energy
Dark Matter =
Fine-Particles in the magnetic field or magnetic flux according to Oliver
Dark Energy = Cosmic Supernovae
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by Hans Lehner, President, ISQP / ISQR
Neuhaus, May 24, 2009/hl
In traditional physics, the nature or structure of dark matter is still a big puzzle, likely to remain unsolved until CERN/LHC manages to establish the existence of the Higgs bosons, if in fact CERN/LHC will ever be able to operate at full power, and after the crash of September 19, 2008 that is doubtful, given that to this day the 2,700 physicists at CERN still lack a comprehension of magnetism or electromagnetism or indeed gravity, its real origin and working mechanism. Nor have they understood the source of the so-called dark energy.
Oliver Crane’s new Space Quantum Physics SQP(1992) postulates that dark matter particles have been identified, as the smallest ultimate particles in space, in a magnetic field because they are capable both of carrying magnetic forces and of penetrating atomic structures, although Crane no longer speaks of a magnetic field, but of a magnetically active space quanta flux, SQFm, which as a high-velocity flow according to Daniel Bernoulli engenders the magnetic effects of “repulsion” and “attraction”. Mutually opposite flows result in a south pole to south pole and north pole to north pole repulsion. Equidirectional flows produce a negative-pressure zone between two magnets with a south pole/north pole, creating only what may be termed an “apparent attraction” since the south pole and north pole do not attract each other, but are pushed together by the pressure of a larger external medium.
Also see: The new Image of Magnetism according to Oliver Crane (1992)
The esoterics correctly refer to the traditional physicists’ dark matter as “fine-particle matter”, but even they have not yet realized that a magnetic field consists of the “smallest of all physical particles.” In over 50 years none of the academies and universities around the world have done any new research into magnetism yet all have so far ignored the discoveries made by Space Quantum Physicists.
To the Space Quantum Physicists this precept applies: dark matter = fine-particle matter = space quanta medium (according to Oliver Crane).
Dark Energy
The traditional physicist's dark energy is what the esoterics call free energy, yet to date neither party knows the source from which that energy emanates.
It is the spontaneous energy of the explosions of supernovae and hypernovae which, day after day, is pumped into space and into the dark matter, i.e. the fine-particle matter in space. Each second on average, the largest cosmic power plant supplies the entire universe with spontaneous cosmic shock waves, and that in every direction. This adds up to over 86,400 explosions per day. Day after day.
Perpetually. Over a year that is more than 31 million exploding suns or stars. Ever since millions of years ago, The Big Bang, theorized to have occurred 13 billion years ago becomes altogether irrelevant. Yet the cosmologists and astrophysicists have not so far come to realize this fact.
Since the American cosmologist Eddie Baron and his team made the discovery, published in NATURE 395 (1998), of a multitude of nearly 100,000 supernova and hypernova explosions in what today is the observable universe (approx. 1 explosion every second), the source of dark energy, or free energy, is now known, thanks to new Space Quantum Physics (see attached bibliography). These 100,000 supernova and hypernova explosions, occurring daily, constitute the largest cosmic source of energy, bigger than the effect of the Big Bang; that, however, has yet to be mentally absorbed by the cosmologists and astrophysicists because, the theoretical existence of dark matter notwithstanding, they have never calculated nor understood the effect of these explosions. All they have done so far was count the flashes of light and measure the bursts of gamma rays. The idea that this is the largest cosmic energy source bar none has never occurred to them since they have so far been unable to create in their laboratories anything that would prove the existence of dark matter as a conveyance medium (instead of virtual particles). This is because they are unaware of the true nature of magnetism and have neglected any new research into magnetism that would have been required. They are patiently waiting for CERN’s LHC to some day in the distant future prove the existence of the Higgs bosons. But what if that proof fails to materialize?
[ 2 ] Crane, Oliver;
Lehner, Jean-Marie;
Monstein, Christian:
Oszillator und Raum-Quanten-Medium, Rapperswil,
Experten Verlag, 1992, ISBN 3-9520261-0-7
einer neuen Physik und einer neuen Kosmologie mit
der neu
entdeckten, magnetischen Raum Quanten Strömung RQSm
einer neuen, nachhaltigen Supernova-Energie-Technologie.
[ 3 ] Crane, Oliver; Lehner, Jean-Marie; Monstein, Christian:
Central Oscillator and Space Quanta Medium, Rapperswil,
Universal Expert Publishers, 2000, 1. Engl. Edition, ISBN 3-9520261-2-X
of a new physics and a new cosmology based on the
discovered magnetic space quanta flux SQFm.
of a new clean Supernovae Energy technology.
[ 5 ] Baron, Eddie: Astrophysics: How big do
stellar explosions get?
Nature 395,
635/636; 663-674 (1998)
We thought we
knew how powerful supernova explosions could be. We
also thought
that supernova explosions and y-ray bursts were unrelated.
extraordinary supernovs is makign us re-examine these ideas.
"A supernova
occurs about once a second in the observable Universe,
a y-ray burst
about once a day".
[ 6 ]
Von der Weiden, Silvia: Zu hell für eine Supernova. Ein Gammastrahlen-
entpuppt sich als "Hypernova".
NZZ Neue Zürcher Zeitung,
4.11.1998, S.
67 " Etwa jede Sekunde leuchtet im beobachtbaren
eine Supernova auf. Gammastrahlenausbrüche sind dagegen
seltener, sie werden einmal pro Tag registriert ".
[ 7 ] Bloonr, J.S.: The
unusual afterglow of the y-ray burst of 26 March 1998
asevidencefora Supernova connection.
Nature 401,
453-456 (1999)
Cosmic y-ray
bursts have now been firmly established as one of the
most powerful
phenomena in the Universe, releasing almost the rest-mass
energy of a
neutron star within the space of a few seconds.
[ 8 ]
Von der Weiden, Silvia: Sind kollabierende Sterne der Auslöser von
NZZ Neue Zürcher Zeitung,
6.10.1999, S. 71
Supernova-Explosionen und Gammastrahlenausbrüche gehören
zu den
heftigsten Ereignissen im Kosmos. Im beobachtbaren Teil des
explodiert etwa jede Sekunde ein massiver Stern.
Im Mittel
ereignet sich einmal pro Tag ein Gammastrahlenausbruch ".
[ 9 ] Lehner, Hans: Die fünfte physikalische
Grundkraft ist entdeckt! Das sind
kosmischen mechanischen Energie-Wellen, oder die verborgenen
nach A. Einstein.
Die fünfte physikalische
Grundkraft ist entdeckt
[ 10 ] Zekl, Hans: Sternexplosion durch Schallwellen.
sind eine der
dramatischsten Ereignisse im All. 16.11.2005,
[ 11 ] Lehner, Hans: Die Entdeckung der kosmischen Ur-Energie
und der
Ur-Energie-Quellen bzw. die fünfte physikalische Grundkraft, mit der
Bezeichnung "Lehneronen".
Definition für Lehneronen,
Definition für "Lehneronen"
[ 12 ] Lehner, Hans: Wenn mehr als 86'400 Sterne pro Tag
[ 13 ] Lehner, Hans:
Fehler im Physik-Fundament?
Fehler im Physik